Stress, very stress, super duper stress!!!
I'm just stressed to the max now.
Tomorrow will be my food engineering midterm test.
I had been told that there will be only 2 questions in the paper.
1 for calculation and another for theory part.
20% belongs to the calculation part while another 5% is for the theory part.
This 25% will combine with other assessments to make a total 60% coursework for this subject. 25%/60%, quite a big number huh?
Wonder can I even get a 5% from that 25%. :S
I admit that I'm still very blur at this moment although
I'm gonna attend the test in the time less than 24 hours.
Law of mass conservation, material balance, energy balance and etc...
They are killing me softly and yet cruelly.
Can I borrow Time Machine from Doraemon?
So that I can escape to the future rather than stay at the current moment.
It is really hard for me to reverse the word of stressed into desserts now.
The stress level I'm facing had exceed what I faced last semester.
Worsen insomnia, worsen losses of appetite, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Mum keep saying never mind to me.
But that never mind seems like not enough to comfort me.
It is really not easy for a student like me who is very weak in maths and physics
to conquer engineering. (even only the fundamentals)
Just hope for a pass for this subject.
Hope that I'm not greedy.
I'm approaching to the end of my study life.
I will try my best anyway and wish to proceed everything smoothly.
So obstacles, do stay 10,000km away from me!!!
It's time to move on after I finished mumbling here.
*Imma gonna do it!!! Pray hard*
p/s: To someone, thanks for your encouragements and supports that are never end. I appreciate it always. =)